ATLAS (Accomplished Teaching, Learning and Schools) is an online (password protected) library of case studies showing National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) at work in their classrooms. ATLAS is not just a video library – it is much more. It is a professional learning experience.

ATLAS cases include a classroom video, accompanying NBCT written commentary, instructional materials, and extensive indexing to teaching and learning frameworks. The videos show accomplished teaching in action. The teacher commentary highlights activities leading up to the lesson, analysis of what took place, and a reflection on what went well and what might be done differently in the future. The indexing to frameworks unpacks accomplished practice in a way that is accessible to all users.

ATLAS cases are available in all subject areas, and grades from PreK-12, and feature a variety of school settings. There are currently over 1,000 cases in ATLAS with more to come.

ATLAS cases have been or are in the process of being indexed to the following frameworks: National Board Standards, edTPA, InTASC, High Leverage Practices, Common Core Mathematics, Common Core English Language Arts/Literacy, Next Generation Science, C3, and Deeper Learning.