You can upload a roster of new members to your organization from your Organization Settings.

1. Click "Users" in the left navigation.

2. Click "Import" to upload a roster of new users.


3. Download the "User Roster Template" .csv file and use Excel to enter the first name, last name, email address, your organization's name and the role for each member.

Enter your organization's name AND role for each member in Column D. Use a colon to separate your organization's name and member's role (e.g., Tech University:Admin).

  • "Admin" for users who will share your administrative rights.
  • "Instructor" for faculty members, coaches, or other group leaders who will facilitate access to cases.
  • "Student" for pre- or in-service teachers.

NOTE: Roles must be capitalized in the .csv file.


4. Click "Choose File" to upload your completed .csv file.

5. Click "Import" to upload your .csv file.